Friday, April 19, 2013

Don't Become The Monsters You Hunt

"He is from X country! He is from Y religion! And His skin is XY color!  Now let’s go cook some news with that!!"  Today, that is what is being given as “NEWS”! 

The media is being very reckless in putting out a lot of unsubstantiated information that doesn't help but unveil the stupidity of those promoting it.

As Malcom X once said:

“The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.”

Earlier this morning, the uncle of the two suspects of Boston Marathon bombings talked to the media, genuinely expressing his condolence and sorrow for what happened.  All what the reporters asked and were interested to know is what he thinks about America, where they're from and what religion they follow! (I bet everyone can tell the direction that line was taking). Much worse, some TV news channels even took the man’s words and twisted them into false meanings (Making it seem that America corrupted his Nephews, not Chechnya, which is “OBVIOUSLY” not what he meant!!)
Sadly, some of the comments I read in social media (either Twitter or Facebook) are so stupid that I want to punch myself in the face just for being a human walking in this planet.  Some people are so dumb that If Obama would say his real name is “Stewie Griffin” they would all believe it.

Does anyone see that this is insanely poor reflection of the Islam, just as WBC (Westboro Baptist Church) is a poor reflection of the Christianity??! Radicalized Islam is the same as radicalized catholic and radicalized Judaism or any other faith!

The moment I watched the news about Boston Marathon bombing, I knew somehow, someway they would link it with Arabs, if not then Islam. I knew this before there was an Arab- Muslim- Saudi suspect (looks like Arab phobia has been around years longer than Islam phobia has been).

Unfortunately, many people talk and act out of ignorance and uncalled for hate. They willfully let themselves being brainwashed followers and eat anything they are fed via the media. But again that exist everywhere. The point is one should always be mindful that “hate perpetuates hate”, and to blame the actions of these people, on a religion, ethnicity, or homeland is insane and close-minded.

Do these people really listen to what they say??!!  It’s like saying: A brown person can more likely be a terrorist than a white person!  It’s also like saying: A Muslim man is more likely be a “terrorist” and if he is a Middle Eastern, that’s even perfect and of course he will definitely have some kind of connection to Al-Quiada. However, anyone from any other faith or religion commits an act of terror and extreme violence will be referred to as “mentally disturbed" or a "lone gunman", and of course with no connection to Al-Quiada or any terrorist group.

We all know that Timothy McVeigh was White and Christian and Terry Nichols was also White and Catholic. But I never group Christians and Catholics together as mass murders, because religion, race or ethnicity has nothing to do with terrorism.  So why the media and many people out there (Who could be either Christian or Catholic) keep linking terrorism to Islam? Those two convicted murderers of the Oklahoma City bombing, took 168 lives (including 19 children under the age of 6 and injured more than 680 people). Does that give me the right to say that all Christians and Catholics are terrorists??! 

Anyone who blames skin color, religion, or ethnicity is just as pathetic as the bombers.

Islam not only forbids terrorism and the killing of innocent civilians, but it also outlaws race, ethnicity and religion discrimination in all its forms. In Islam, there is no difference between a white and a brown, an Arab and non- Arab except, a Muslim or Non- Muslim expect by the content of their character, morals, and qualities. 

I don’t know how hard is it for many people to get the idea that there are good people and bad people in every race, religion, creed, or country of origin. Everyone deserves to be judged on who they are as an individual. Blowing up children and innocent people is not practicing “Islam” any more than killing abortion doctors is practicing “Christianity”. Ousama Bin Laden, Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols or many other terrorists- from different religions and races- who got blood of innocent people in their hands are men chose to do this; they are responsible for their actions. It’s NOT the country they were born in or originally from. It’s NOT the religion they chose to practice (although there is no religion on earth that support or endorse the killing of innocent people, and if there is one, it can be named anything else but faith or religion) that told to go after bombing innocent people.  

After all this, the main question is: Do we really want to become the monsters we hunt? Sadly, what many people are doing and saying is just another example of how religion and race kill people and destroy lives.

I hope people listen to the message of little man Martin and stop hurting people.

I hope people will stop the hate and grow up!! Whether the victims are 3 or 3000 in any corner in the world, it’s still a tragedy!! It’s not about my country, my people, my religion, my race. It’s about humanity.

We all have the right to believe in whatever ever god you choose. I don’t have to love who you choose, but I definitely MUST RESPECT others’ choices and not judge them based on their religion, creed, race or skin color.

People who have no tolerance and respect for other human beings are just as evil as extremist. If we don’t respect one another, we will never have peace in this world. The change begins in our heads, our children, our family, and our friends. I hope people will wake up to this fact before they destroy each other.


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